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dimanche 29 mai 2011

Colloque Guerre et Economie le 1er juillet à l'Ecole Militaire

Vous vous souvenez certainement du colloque "La logistique, fonction opérationnelle oubliée" de l'an dernier.

Cette année, Participation & Progrès et l'Alliance Géostratégique remettent ça, avec l'Ecole de Guerre Economique (j'ai souvent eu l'occasion ici d'exprimer mes réserves quant à ce concept de "guerre économique", mais il faut reconnaître que les loustics ont su investir un créneau porteur), et vous proposent un colloque intitulé Guerre et économie : de l'économie de guerre à la guerre de l'économie.

Il aura lieu le vendredi 1er juillet, soit après les examens et avant les vacances, à l'Ecole Militaire (Paris VIIème), à partir de 8h30 et jusqu'à 18h30.

J'y interviendrai moi-même sur le sujet "Etat, grande stratégie et protection de l'économie", où je tenterai de lier ces notions et d'expliquer comment l'Etat français peut aider "ses" (lesquelles sont-elles ?) entreprises (protection et promotion).

L'inscription est obligatoire : utiliser le Doodle prévu à cet effet.

Le programme complet est disponible sur Alliance Géostratégique.

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mercredi 25 mai 2011

Taiwan veut ses sous-marins et F-16

Alors que le chef d'Etat-major chinois, Chen Bingde, rentre d'une visite aux Etats-Unis, Taiwan a réaffirmé en fin de semaine dernière, par la voix de son ministre de la défense, ne pas renoncer à l'achat de huit sous-marins conventionnels américains et d'une soixantaine de F-16 à la première puissance mondiale.

L'accord initial sur les sous-marins, signé en 2001 par George Bush, a peu progressé depuis, notamment parce que les Américains n'ont plus fabriqué de navires conventionnels depuis des lustres, mais également à cause de la posture de la Chine. Rappelons que Taiwan est le seul ennemi stratégique de l'Empire du Milieu, qui a fait de sa réintégration pleine et entière à la mère patrie l'un de ses objectifs principaux (voir d'ailleurs Taiwan peut-elle mourir à petit feu ?). L'Allemagne et l'Espagne, puissances industrielles navales, ont ainsi renoncé à fournir des plans, par peur de la réaction du nouveau géant asiatique.

On se souvient qu'en janvier 2010, Beijing avait rompu toute coopération militaire et sécuritaire avec les USA car ces derniers avaient approuvé une vente d'armes de plus de 6 milliards de dollars à l'île rebelle (voir Taiwan vaut-elle une guerre (froide) ?).

Toujours est-il que selon le Liberty Times, un journal taiwanais qui dit s'appuyer sur un rapport des services de renseignement, 1800 missiles chinois seront bientôt pointés vers l'île, malgré le relatif réchauffement entre les deux frères ennemis depuis l'élection de Ma Ying-jeou en 2008. De quoi relativiser, pour ceux qui y croient encore, le "soft power" à la chinoise...

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dimanche 22 mai 2011

Citation de la semaine : "La Chine a besoin d'ordre et de stabilité", Li Kunwu

Cette semaine, un extrait du troisième tome d'Une vie chinoise, Le temps de l'Argent, récit autobiographique de Li Kunwu (avec Philippe Ôtié), retraçant l'histoire de la Chine depuis la prise de pouvoir de Mao Zedong à nos jours.

Li réagit ci-dessous à la demande de son compère français d'une réaction à Tiananmen :

J'ai la conviction que la Chine a, avant tout, besoin d'ordre et de stabilité pour son développement et le reste n'est que secondaire à mes yeux.
J'ai bien conscience que ce que je pense là peut choquer, notamment Occident, où le discours dominant est fondamentalement différent. Il ne s'agit pas là d'une simple reprise à mon compte du discours officiel. Non, il s'agit d'un sentiment que j'ai de profondément ancré en moi et que beaucoup de Chinois partagent, je crois. Un sentiment forgé depuis l'école primaire, où nous apprenons que notre pays a eu à souffrir de tellement de difficultés et d'humiliations au cours du XXe siècle : les invasions, les pillages, les traités dits "inégaux"... les divisions internes, les combats entre seigneurs de la guerre... sentiment qui s'est renforcé au fil des années, au fur et à mesure que "je vivais moi-même l'histoire" : la révolution culturelle, dont je me souviens si clairement... l'opposition entre les courants, les luttes... les pénuries d'eau, de nourriture, d'électricité... les famines... tous ces compatriotes qui, année après année, ont fui le pays natal...
Ceux qui savent ou qui comprennent le malheur que nous avons connu doivent pouvoir comprendre aussi mon aspiration profonde à la stabilité et à l'ordre, desquels j'attends notre renaissance et notre développement.

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mardi 17 mai 2011

Quelques articles à lire...

En ce moment c'est le calme plat sur le blog, la faute à d'autres passe-temps chronophages. En attendant un retour à la normale, voici quelques articles intéressants sur divers sujets :

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lundi 9 mai 2011

Obama, Osama et le micro-management

Un petit détournement (non inédit !) d'une des désormais fameuses images de la Situation Room de la Maison Blanche, montrant un POTUS vraiment au coeur de l'action.

Mullen paraît tendu avant le frag, alors que Webb rentre les cheat codes pour l'assaut final.

Lire également : raccourcissement et intégration de la boucle OODA, double danger.

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vendredi 6 mai 2011

Entretien avec un journaliste indien sur la "résurgence de la France"

Avec deux autres membres d'AGS, Olivier Kempf (EGEA) et Yannick Harrel (Cyberstrategie Est Ouest) j'ai eu l'occasion d'échanger avec le journaliste indien Sumantra Maitra, basé à Mumbai, autour de la "résurgence de la France". Un article publié sur son blog, Daily World Watch, et qui touche au moins autant à la politique intérieure (et la personnalité de notre président) qu'aux affaires étrangères.


The century, right from the start of it, was written in blood. Starting with the 9/11 World Trade Center terrorist attacks, and the Famous French newspaper declaration of “Today we are all Americans…”, the decade wrote a future of a whole generation, and forged the World, with the greatest clash of ideologies since cold war. The clash between “free spirit” and “state-community-religious dominance”. Some thinkers are even saying that this is the historic turn back to “Laissez Faire”, a revival of freedom, the way classical age philosophers defined.

Moving back to the modern proverbial “cold cruel” world, the thing that however got the attention of many was the resurgence of FRANCE. Often termed as Colonial Hangover by some cynical press, no one can deny, that the name of only one nation was in the middle of every major international crisis, starting from Afghanistan, to not being in Iraq, to mediating in between Russia and Georgia, to Libya and Ivory Coast. One man, Nicolas Sarkozy, made headlines, with declaring that he himself was physically and actively present during the Berlin Wall collapse, to sitting in front of Taj Mahal and dissing Pakistan during Joint-Statement, in one of the most scathing attacks ever by any modern era Head of the States during their visit to India.

India and France goes back in history, and modern India is just not only a democratic sister to France, (Democracy is a pretty rare thing in South Asia, and that way, even with faults, India is different than its neighbours!) but much more than that. But since India is an Anglophone country, and we don’t have much access to mainstream French media and French opinions and analysis, I decided to form a set of common questions, answers to which will explain the position of France and the common notions on its neo-assertiveness.

It was a delight for me, that my questions was answered by some of the best bloggers and experts on Geo-Strategy and International Relations. Olivier Kempffrom Etudes Géopolitiques Européennes et Atlantiques, Yannick Harrel fromCyberstrategie Est Ouest and JGP from Mon Blog Défense replies to my questions in this discussion. I am also grateful to Clarisse Carnets, who helped me regarding ideation, of this interview. It was an absolute pleasure, working with them.

1. World is seeing a resurgence of French International Relations. Right from joining NATO actively, to brokering a truce between Russia and Georgia, to active military muscle flexing in Libya and Ivory Coast. New found confidence, sudden realization of real politik or economic invincibility in European Union?

Kempf : France is used to act as a power, which may surprise from a European point of view. A kind of disinhibiting that contrasts with other pruderies…. What’s new is the acceptance of “national” action, out of “entangling alliances” (G. Washington), both in NATO and EU.

Harrel : The French political system is especially presidential. It is depending enormously on the personality of the President. However France never left the foreign policy arena : it used more its soft power than its hard power formerly. In 2003 for example, France refused to engage in Iraq: its influence on the international affairs was important but of another nature. Strong activity is not synonymous with great effectiveness. It is true however that because of its universalism mentality, France cannot adopt an isolationist position on the most important international matters.

JGP : Let’s put it straight: France is not the world’s leading power, but it has some strong (diplomatic, economic, military, cultural) assets to defend its interests that spread all over the globe, which is quite rare for a country of only 60 million people. Even if its influence (and the results achieved!) in all the examples quoted in the question must not be overrated, this “resurgence” is in the continuity of quite an old vision according to which France has a “special mission” in international relations.
Furthermore, the absence of political union and leadership at the European level encourages the main countries of the Old Continent to take unilateral or bilateral (in the case of the newly (re)created France-UK couple) initiatives.

2. World opinion of Sarkozy varies from an eccentric emotional lover boy, to a man who is very practical and shrewd, to a patriot who wants French dominance in World affairs back, even with a streak of dictatorship, to a man who is running after personal glory and immortality, and a place in history. Which one is true…or is it everything together?

Kempf : He is a pragmatic, which is a surprise, when you compare to the image foreigners have of French character, usually considered as theoretical, ideologist…But here, Sarkozy is mirroring French character, much more globalized than believed…

Harrel : It is too early to conclude yet : on the international scene, it takes years to establish an assessment of the conducted actions. A fact is however undeniable: universalism leads the French President and his foreign ministers to be attentive and active. The selected manners and options are not always the good ones but the current President is the fruit of this political practice.

JGP : From a purely French domestic perspective it is quite to answer as we lack hindsight, being engulfed in the politicking game, one year before the Presidential election. One may say that, like all first-rank politicians with a big ego, Sarkozy’s main objective is to get elected and leave a trace in History. Some observers in France think he has, with his manners, desecrated the presidential function. Anyway, speaking of dictatorship may be excessive, even though there is an authoritarian trend in many European countries.

3. Burqa Ban…good, bad, ugly? Necessary, irrelevant, baseless? Cultural jingoism, Liberty equality fraternity, Islamophobia?

Kempf : No. Essence of the French national balance, made of secularity. French passion is not freedom, but equality. Showing one’s face is the signal of that equality.

Harrel : It is a domestic policy very related on its history and the constitution of the Republic. “Laicité” is one of the main republican principles which is very specific to France. It is a very contemporary debate to know if this principle must evolve or if it must remain frozen. However and as in 1905 (date of the first law of “laicité”), this debate has also repercussions in the international environment : the French authorities cannot be unaware of this reality but they must firstly decide what is best in the interest of the social peace.

JGP : Based on the very French concept of “laïcité” (stronger than mere secularity / secularism), this law, according to its supporters, aims at ensuring human dignity and equality by “living the Republic with an unveiled face”. The ban applies both to burqa and niqab, worn by a few hundred/thousand women out of the estimated 5 million French Muslims, in all public spaces. It thus concerns only a small minority that some moderate Muslim authorities have described as “sectarian”. It must be linked to the broader concern in Europe (and the Western world) towards Islam and Muslim immigrants from Africa and Asia, and the recent electoral successes of far-right parties in several countries.
It could be “interesting” though to see how French policemen will enforce this ban on the Champs-Elysées when the place is full of rich Saudi tourists.

4. We have seen French reservation on NATO. France have always advocated democratic values, but we see a little different behavior in regard to different Middle Eastern countries…is that going to be self defeating in the long run?

Kempf : I don’t understand what you mean by mentioning the link between French reservation to NATO, and the advocacy for democratic values… As regards the intervention in Libya, that’s a bet for future.

JGP : Almost any country in the world can be accused of double standard policies, even China who pretends not to interfere in domestic affairs. However, it is also true that France often presents itself as a human rights champion (“le pays des Droits de l’Homme”). This leads to some contradictions when real politik and short term interests contradict moral values. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner even stated that there was “a permanent contradiction between human rights and a state’s (even France) foreign policy”.
In the long term, it could be relevant for France to stop giving the impression that it continuously teaches a lesson to the entire world, while at the same time supporting dictators in its former colonies. Maybe we should invest in more backstage lobbying, which may not be as grandiloquent, but surely more effective.

5. What should be French position regarding Israel and Russia? How is the newly assertive France looking forward to engage the two most contentious foreign policy issues that have dogged her in the recent times?

Kempf : With Israel, believe in French pragmatism. With Russia, a shared interest.

Harrel : Only one word: pragmatism. France was always very concerned by the questions of the Mediterranean world, it is logical consequently that each country of this geographical zone is not indifferent for it. Russia is a historical partner of France: the negotiations are not always obvious but often the shared interests make it possible to overcome the differences.

JGP : In both cases France and Europe must seize the opportunity to play a go-between role: while the US have always been our natural ally and partner, their position, especially in the Middle-East, is not totally aligned with our own interests that could benefit from a more assertive involvement.

6. Finally, France and India share historic relations. Its one of the most successful defence partner of India, and is commonly known as democratic sisters. France was the only country who didn’t sanction India after Nuclear tests, and even supported India in relation to Pakistan. We see the “deal of the century” 126 fighter jets, which can change the geo-strategic balance of the South Asia, might also go to Rafale, which is in the last stage…how significant is that on a strategic and global aspect?

Kempf : There was a long French neglect towards India, since the decolonization. The French dream of Asia was incarnated in Indochina, with the well-known output it results in: from that time, France abandoned its fascination to Asia. It’s coming back by the last ten years, with a new fascination to China. However, France should bet on India, who is a better challenger, used to look for a “third way” since decades: between US and USSR yesterday, between US and China today. Capitalizing on that shared interest would be a good idea for both parties.

Harrel : France cannot be unaware of India, both for major economic opportunities as for historical relations. This “deal of the century” would be especially an excellent opportunity so that French and Indians learn with better knowing and appreciate each other. The economic exchanges must especially be reinforced by political, military and cultural exchanges at the highest level. This geopolitical prospect is filling with enthusiasm because realistic for the two States. France does not have any dispute with India, and India could count on France to have a serious support within the European Union and the United Nations.

JGP : The interest for India in France goes back to several centuries, especially thanks to Antoine Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron, a famous orientalist who translated the Upanishads into Latin in 1804. Today, India is seen in France as a first-class world leader in the making, a kind of democratic alternative to China. But it’s true that this latter exerts a far greater fascination on our leaders and medias, even though India is seen closer to the West (on a strategic perspective).
After the Indian nuclear tries in 1998, France differentiated itself from most of the international community because it wanted to maintain the dialogue on non-proliferation, seeing India as a reliable strategic partner. France is also a strong advocate of a better integration of India and other emerging countries in global governance (G20, UN…), to counter-balance unilateral (US) or bilateral (US / China) initiatives. However there is also the perception that India is becoming an economic rival, especially in the high-tech industry. This perception is reinforced by the fact that France is only a minor investor in India. During his latest official visit in December 2010, President Sarkozy insisted on strengthening our economic ties: more investments, more exchanges by 2012.
Regarding this MRCA “deal of the century”, it could indeed seal a long-term partnership. The competitor to the Rafale in this last stage of the process is the Eurofighter Typhoon: this reveals a lack of European cooperation and integration that may constitute a threat for our technological and military independence. France has been so far unable to export its Rafale, which questions, should Dassault lose both in India and in Brazil, the future of our fighter jet industry.


Billet cross-posté sur Daily World Watch

Sumantra Maitra sur Twitter

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mercredi 4 mai 2011

Citation de la semaine : Elie Cohen et Michel Bauer sur l'intervention de l'Etat dans l'industrie

Cette semaine, une citation d'Elie Cohen et Michel Bauer extraite de leur Les grandes manoeuvres industrielles datant de 1990 et consacré aux concentrations des entreprises françaises recommandées par le cinquième Plan (1966-1970) :

On y découvre des hommes politiques et des hauts fonctionnaires obsédés par le principe de l'indépendance nationale et qui jouent au super-Monopoly avec les grandes entreprises sur lesquelles ils exercent un pouvoir ou une tutelle. En face, les managers se prennent pour Clausevitz.

Le concept de "politique industrielle" semble, concomitamment à l'émergence de celui d'intelligence économique, trouver une seconde jeunesse en ce début de XXIème siècle.

Cependant, la citation ci-dessus est là pour nous rappeler que quelques écueils sont à éviter :
  • une politique industrielle suppose une approche réfléchie sur le temps long, qui n'est pas celui de la politique politicienne. L’État doit savoir jouer le rôle de catalyseur, doit donner la direction, le cadre, mais aussi se garder d'outrepasser son rôle quand il n'est plus lui-même producteur ou capitaine d'industrie. A l'autre extrémité, il ne doit pas non plus se défausser (notamment quad il est actionnaire), car la shareholder value, aimant elle aussi le court-terme, n'a pas démontré sa clairvoyance en termes d'indépendance nationale.
  • ne pas confondre autonomie et indépendance : parfois il vaut mieux renoncer à la première, notamment dans un cadre européen (même si le réflexe national est automatique), pour avoir un espoir de conserver la seconde à long-terme
  • le management d'entreprise, même s'il emprunte un certain jargon au monde militaire, n'est pas et ne doit pas être du ressort de la conduite d'une armée dans un monde peuplé d'ennemis mortels, ou la montée aux extrêmes guette à tout instant.

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mardi 3 mai 2011

Classement international Wikio de mai : Mon Blog Défense stable

Après la chute du mois dernier, le blog reste stable dans le classement international de Wikio de mai, à paraître ces jours-ci, avec une 34ème place. A noter que l'Alliance Géostratégique sort du Top 10, résultat de ce qu'il convient de nommer une petite période de flottement dans la publication. Trois alliés figurent également dans les 40 premiers :

1Coulisses de Bruxelles
2Secret défense
3Marketing en Chine
5Le blogue de Jean-François Lisée
6Zone Militaire
7Vincent Jauvert
8Guerre ou paix
9Tout sur la Chine
10Chouyo's World
11Amour de la Chine
13alliance geostratégique
14Great America
15Changement de société
17Internet Chine
18De Bagdad à Jérusalem
19Ultima Ratio
20tunisie: Le débat confisqué
22Dentelles et tchador
25Richard Hétu
27Le mamouth
29Mars attaque.
30Défense en ligne
34Mon Blog Défense
35Blogue de Richard Martineau
36le blog elkhadra
37Visions cartographiques
38Union Populaire Républicaine
39Djazair avant tout ''Nado''
40Posts Afrique

Classement réalisé par Wikio

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lundi 2 mai 2011

Café Stratégique n°8 "Murs et Frontières" le 5 mai à 19h

Pour leur déjà huitième édition, les Cafés Stratégiques de l'Alliance Géostratégique reçoivent Stéphane Rosière, professeur de géographie à l'université de Reims et notamment auteur du Dictionnaire de l'espace politique.

Le sujet en seront les murs et les frontières, problématique au combien d'actualité notamment au vu des évènements en Tunisie, Libye, Soudan, Somalie Palestine, Thaïlande ou de notre bonne vieille "Fortress Europe". N'en déplaise aux tenants de la fin de la lutte pour les territoires, la frontière va encore faire couler beaucoup d'encre.

Voir aussi la page Facebook de l'évènement.

Lire également Les indépendances au XXIème siècle, thème de mars de l'Alliance Géostratégique.

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